Saturday, September 14, 2024
12:30 pm
Ladyhawk Restaurant
LaPeer Hotel • 627 N. LaPeer Drive
West Hollywood
Dulé Hill (“Bel-Air”)
Jeffrey Ross (“The Roast of Tom Brady”)
Wendell Pierce (“Elsbeth”)
Emmanuelle Chriqui (“Superman & Lois”), Teri Weinberg (“The Office”), Steven Sawalich (“A Case for Kindness)
Sponsorships, Tickets, and Program Ads are available. Click HERE to order tickets or program ads online. For Presenting Sponsors, please contact Alyssa Dudek at ADudek@TheCreativeCoalition.org.
Sponsorship and Tickets pricing:
- PRESENTING SPONSOR (One Available) – $175,000 – includes 8 VIP seats and opportunities to name award, product placement in celebrity and guest gift bags, and logo priority presence on invitation and media wall. (*plus expenses)
- CO-CHAIR SPONSOR (Two Available) – $50,000 – includes 5 VIP seats and opportunities for product placement in celebrity and guest gift bags and logo presence on invitation.
- DIAMOND SPONSOR – $25,000 – includes table of 8 VIP seats and opportunities for product placement in celebrity and guest gift bags.
- PLATINUM SPONSOR – $10,000 – includes table of 8 standard seats.
- Pair of VIP Tickets – $10,000
- Pair of Standard Tickets – $3,000
- One Standard Ticket – $2,000
Program Ad pricing:
- Full Page Ad – $10,000
- Half-Page Ad – $7,500
Click HERE for the Ad Specification Sheet. Ad deadline is 5:00 PM EST Friday, September 6, 2024!