We’re Celebrating Ladyparts


WHAT: The Creative Coalition’s Book Club has selected Ladyparts: A Memoir as its latest book to be chosen as part of the organization’s initiative to bring attention to outstanding authors and written works. The organization will host a virtual book launch party celebrating the latest release from New York Times bestselling author Deborah Copaken.

WHO: The Creative Coalition CEO Robin Bronk; The Creative Coalition President, actor Tim Daly (“Madam Secretary”); New York Times Bestselling Author Deborah Copaken. Invited attendees include Hollywood talent and select leaders, executives, influencers, and tastemakers from the arenas of entertainment, media, Fortune 500, and policy. 

WHEN: Tuesday, August 3, 2021; 7:30PM ET.

WHERE: Via virtual platform. Members of the press who would like to attend may contact Seth Adam at seth@theleadpr.com.

MORE: Twenty years after her iconic memoir “Shutterbabe,” Deborah Copaken is at her darkly comedic nadir: battered, broke, divorcing, dissected, and dying—literally—on sexism’s battlefield as she scoops up what she believes to be her internal organs into a glass container before heading off to the hospital . . . in an UberPool.

“Ladyparts” is her irreverent inventory of both the female body and the body politic of womanhood in America, the story of one woman brought to her knees by the one-two-twelve punch of divorce, solo motherhood, healthcare Frogger, unaffordable childcare, shady landlords, her father’s death, college tuitions, sexual harassment, corporate indifference, ageism, sexism, and plain old bad luck. Plus seven serious illnesses, one atop the other, which provide the book’s narrative skeleton: vagina, uterus, breast, heart, cervix, brain, and lungs. She bounces back from each bum body part, finds workarounds for every setback—she transforms her home into a commune to pay rent; sells her soul for health insurance; turns FBI informant when her sexual harasser is nominated to the White House—but in her slippery struggle to survive a steep plunge off the middle-class ladder, she is suddenly awoken to what it means to have no safety net.

Side-splittingly funny one minute, a freak horror show the next, quintessentially American, “Ladyparts” is an era-defining memoir for our time.

THE CREATIVE COALITION is the premier nonprofit, 501(c)(3) nonpartisan charity of the entertainment industry dedicated to using the power and platform of the arts and entertainment communities in award-winning public service and advocacy campaigns. Founded in 1989 by prominent members of the creative community, The Creative Coalition is dedicated to educating, mobilizing, and activating its members on issues of public importance. Actor Tim Daly serves as the organization’s president. www.TheCreativeCoalition.org.

Seth Adam, The Lead PR
e. seth@theleadpr.com
c. (661) 803-4465
