A Win for The #RightToBearArts

Appropriations Subcommittee Funds the National Endowment for the Arts at the Level Requested by The Creative Coalition

May 15, 2018 (Washington, DC) – The Creative Coalition is pleased that the U.S. House of Representatives included funding for the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) equal to the amount requested by members of The Creative Coalition during their 2018 #RightToBearArts Capitol Hill Day last month. The House Interior Appropriations Subcommittee approved legislation that continues the trend of increased funding for the NEA by including $155 million for the NEA in Fiscal Year (FY) 2019.

The Creative Coalition appreciates that members of the House Interior Appropriations Subcommittee heard calls for additional funding for the NEA and provided an increase of $2.2 million over the current funding level. Delegation members of The Creative Coalition’s #RightToBearArts Capitol Hill Day met with members of the House Appropriations Committee in April to urge support for $155 million for the NEA for the upcoming fiscal year. Additional funding will enable the NEA to continue its mission of ensuring all Americans have access to the arts and expand its Military Healing Arts Network which uses art therapy to care for military patients and veterans diagnosed with traumatic brain injury and mental health conditions.

“The increased funding approved today for the NEA is a resounding bipartisan endorsement for the arts,” said actor and President of The Creative Coalition Tim Daly. “Access to the arts empowers our children, defines the American spirit and makes us who we are.”

Robin Bronk, CEO of The Creative Coalition, added, “Time and again, statistics prove that investment in the arts is intrinsic to the survival of our citizenry. We are thankful that Congress has recognized the contribution of the arts to our culture, our communities and our economy. We will continue to work with Congress to guarantee the #RightToBearArts for all Americans.”

Today’s subcommittee markup is the first step in the legislative process. The expected timeline is that it will be considered by the full House Appropriations Committee next week and debated by the entire House of Representatives sometime this summer. The Senate Appropriations Committee has indicated they intend to consider their version the week of June 11 with the full Senate expected to consider the bill before the August recess. Any differences between the House and Senate legislation must be resolved before the bill is sent to the President. The Creative Coalition encourages supporters to contact their Senators and Representative. Go to to ensure that your voice is heard by Congress.

NEA reports show 40% of activities it supports take place in high-poverty neighborhoods; 36% of NEA grants go to organizations that reach underserved populations such as people with disabilities, people in institutions, and veterans; and 33% of NEA grants serve low-income audiences. According to a Rand publication, Invisible Wounds: Mental Health and Cognitive Care Needs of America’s Returning Veterans, evidence-based treatments for PTSD and depression could save more than $1,000 in healthcare costs per veteran, a total of $1.7 billion.

THE CREATIVE COALITION ( is the premier nonprofit, 501(c)(3) nonpartisan charity of the entertainment industry dedicated to using the power and platform of the arts and entertainment communities in award-winning public service and advocacy campaigns. Founded in 1989 by prominent members of the creative community, The Creative Coalition educates its members on issues of public importance. Actor Tim Daly serves as the organization’s president.

David O’Brien, Craft Media Digital
