Congressional Military Family Caucus to Host Joint Senate and House Event Screening of The Creative Coalition and Blue Star Families’ Suicide Prevention Public Service Announcement (PSAs)
WASHINGTON, D.C., May 19, 2011 – The Congressional Military Families Caucus will host a screening of a new military family suicide awareness public service announcement campaign from Blue Star Families (BSF) and The Creative Coalition (TCC) on Wednesday, May 25th at the Capitol Visitor Center Auditorium from 12:00 – 1:00pm.
The program will feature Caucus Co-Chairs Senator Barbara Boxer, Senator Richard Burr, Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers and Congressman Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. Blue Star Families will be asking all Congressional members to post the PSAs on their respective web sites.
According to the Department of Defense, more than 1,100 members of our military committed suicide between 2005 and 2009. That is an average of 1 suicide every 36 hours. Blue Star Families and The Creative Coalition have created this Public Service Announcement (PSA) campaign to raise awareness and educate service members and their families about the crisis and suicide prevention. These PSAs were produced by BSF and TCC, in partnership with the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) and Health Net, Inc., and are directed by actor and President of The Creative Coalition Tim Daly. The PSAs feature members of The Creative Coalition reminding service men and women, and their families that they are not alone, and that help is available.
Blue Star Families and The Creative Coalition need the help of the Department of Defense, military, public and media outlets to get the message out and hopes online viewers will share the PSAs via all possible means. The videos can be viewed on the Blue Star Families web site at
Media outlets can also assist by donating advertising time for the PSAs. To request a link to a high-resolution digital download so you can replay the public service announcement or a broadcast-quality DVD to air on television, please contact Sheri Robey-Lapan,, 703-869-3442.
About The Creative Coalition
The Creative Coalition ( is the premiere nonprofit, nonpartisan social and public advocacy organization of the arts and entertainment community. Founded in 1989 by prominent members of the creative community, The Creative Coalition is dedicated to educating, mobilizing, and activating its members on issues of public importance, primarily public education, the First Amendment, and arts advocacy. Actor Tim Daly serves as the organization’s President.
About Blue Star Families
Blue Star Families ( is a national nonprofit organization of military families from all ranks and services, including guard and reserves. Blue Star Families mission is to support, connect and empower military families. In addition to morale and empowerment programs, Blue Star Families raises awareness of the challenges and strengths of military family life and works to make military life more sustainable. Membership includes military spouses, children and parents as well as service members, veterans and civilians.
Dennis St. Rose
The Creative Coalition
Heather Holland
FMPR for The Creative Coalition
Sheri Robey-Lapan
Blue Star Families