Later today, the U.S. House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on an amendment by Representative Tim Walberg (R-MI) that would cut an additional $10.6 million from the nation’s investment in the arts.
The Interior Appropriations bill under consideration already cuts next year’s funding for the National Endowment for the Arts by $20 million over this year’s level. Isn’t that enough?
Now some in Congress want to cut funding further, despite the proven economic and cultural benefits that flow from our nation’s investment in the arts.
We’re making it easy for you to make your voice heard. Click here ( and let your Representative know that you strongly oppose the Walberg amendment and any other effort to cut funding for the arts.
One minute of your time can make all the difference. Earlier this year, a similar amendment by Representative Walberg passed the House by the narrowest of margins. This time we can win if we all speak up.
July 28, 2011