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“Congress can’t cut corners when it comes to the arts”

October 27, 2021 (WASHINGTON, D.C.) – Today, The Creative Coalition is activating its members to call on Congress to maintain $201 million in proposed funding to support the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), a critical investment for our culture and economic recovery.

Last week, Democratic leaders on the Senate Appropriations Committee released their annual Fiscal Year 2022 appropriations bills and proposed $182.5 million for the NEA. While this represents an increase of $15 million over current levels, it falls far short of the $201 million provided by the House of Representatives in its version of the annual spending bill. The proposed House level of funding for the National Endowment for the Arts is more than double the increase included in the Senate bill over the current $167.5 million.

In the coming weeks, Congress will be negotiating the final funding levels for many federal programs, including the NEA. It is vital they hear from YOU during this time about the critical need to fund the NEA at the House-passed level of $201 million.

Join us right now and contact your Senators and Representatives to urge them to support the relief and recovery of the arts sector by funding the NEA at $201 million. This funding increase will enable artists and cultural institutions to help our nation heal from the devastation of the pandemic.

“Increased investments in the NEA will help revive our nation’s cultural institutions and communities, while ensuring every American has the #RightToBearArts,” said The Creative Coalition President Tim Daly. “The arts are not only instrumental to helping our economy heal, they’re also essential to helping people heal. Since the onset of the pandemic, Americans have turned to film, TV, books, and other creative outlets to find solace — and the role of the arts is now more important than ever as we continue down a road to full economic recovery. The Creative Coalition urges Congress to fund the NEA at $201 million, a crucial step in getting us all back on track.”

“The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on Americans’ access to the arts,” said The Creative Coalition CEO Robin Bronk. “The last year and a half proved to be one of the most challenging episodes in the history of our country’s arts community. Yet, the arts will undoubtedly play an essential role in America’s economic and cultural rebound as we continue down the road to recovery. Congress can’t cut corners when it comes to the arts, which are pivotal to our cultural and economic wellbeing.”

For more information, please contact Seth Adam at


THE CREATIVE COALITION is the premier nonprofit, 501(c)(3) nonpartisan charity of the entertainment industry dedicated to using the power and platform of the arts and entertainment communities in award-winning public service and advocacy campaigns. Founded in 1989 by prominent members of the creative community, The Creative Coalition is dedicated to educating, mobilizing, and activating its members on issues of public importance. Actor Tim Daly serves as the organization’s president.

Contact for The Creative Coalition:
Seth Adam, The Lead PR
c. (661) 803-4465