A message from Yvette Nicole Brown

A message from Yvette Nicole Brown, Chair of The Creative Coalition’s Entertainment Industry Commission on Caregiving

When I chose to care for my father with Alzheimer’s disease over a decade ago, I dropped everything — including my role on NBC’s “Community.” Now, I’m still a family caregiver for my father, and I’m also the Chair of The Creative Coalition Entertainment Industry Commission on Family Caregiving to spotlight and empower the 48 million Americans who serve as family caregivers.

The Creative Coalition is dedicated to using the power of the arts and entertainment industry for issues of public importance, which is why I’m reaching out to you today.  

Family caregivers like me make tough decisions like this all the time. From driving a loved one to doctor’s appointments to leaving a full-time job, we put an enormous effort into making sure our older loved ones can age comfortably. 

The Entertainment Industry Commission on Family Caregiving is teaming up with AARP and asking lawmakers to support family caregivers. That’s why in just a few days, I’ll be on Capitol Hill talking face-to-face with lawmakers about the daily challenges caregivers face — and how commonsense policies can get us the support we need.

Click here to tell lawmakers to support caregivers. We’ll add as many of your names as possible to an ad we’re placing in Politico on Hill Day to get the attention of lawmakers. 

Caring for my dad is an honor and a joy. There is nothing more humbling and beautiful than being the caretaker of my father and his memories. But it requires that I often have to put my own needs second.

And I’m not alone; this is the everyday reality that so many caregivers like myself face too. Family caregivers are holding up this country’s long-term health care system — and so many of us are doing it with little support.

That’s why I’m proud to head to Washington, D.C. and press for solutions that will help America’s 48 million family caregivers save time and money and provide them with more support.

Ahead of my visit with AARP next week, let Congress know that caregiving is important to YOU and email your lawmakers right now.

We should prioritize our people while we still have them. Family caregivers know this — now let’s show Washington that this is what people expect our leaders to support, too.

Thank you,

Yvette Nicole Brown

Chair of The Creative Coalition Entertainment Industry Commission on Family Caregiving 

About The Creative Coalition and the Entertainment Industry Commission on Family Caregiving
The Creative Coalition is the premier nonprofit, nonpartisan 501(c)(3) organization of the arts and entertainment community. Founded in 1989 by prominent members of the creative community, The Creative Coalition is dedicated to educating its members on issues of public importance. The Creative Coalition also creates award-winning public service campaigns including #RightToBearArts to promote the efficacy of the arts. Actor Tim Daly serves as the organization’s President. For more information, visit https://thecreativecoalition.org.  

In collaboration with AARP, The Creative Coalition Entertainment Industry Commission on Family Caregiving raises awareness and highlight the underrepresented stories of those who take on caregiving responsibilities for family members — whether parents, spouses, siblings, grandparents, or any loved one in their life.
