$9 Return on Every $1 Spent

Statement from The Creative Coalition on the Release of President Trump’s Fiscal 2018 Budget Request

Washington, DC (May 24, 2017) — Yesterday, President Trump released his Fiscal Year 2018 budget calling for the elimination of funding for the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). Dismembering these agencies would be devastating to citizens of all 50 states, including the thousands of people who benefit from the arts programs seeded by these Federal government funds.

“Quite simply, funding the NEA is one of the soundest investments that the Federal government can make with a return of $9 for every $1 that is spent. NEA grants are distributed to every single Congressional district in the United States and have a profound impact on not only the cultural fabric of our nation, but the health and wellness of our citizenry, “ said President of The Creative Coalition actor Tim Daly. “Just last month, members of The Creative Coalition had the opportunity to witness the impact of arts therapy programs funded by the NEA during a visit to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. Whether helping our wounded warriors in their recovery, providing access to the arts in rural communities or generating significant economic activity, the arts must be funded. I urge Congress to oppose the cuts proposed in the President’s budget.”

CEO of The Creative Coalition Robin Bronk added, “NEA funding makes up only .004 percent of one percent of the Federal budget — Eliminating its funding will not affect our nation’s fiscal situation, but it will mean that many small and rural communities will lose their only source of funding for programs that utilize arts resources. Last month during The Creative Coalition’s Annual Arts Day on Capitol Hill, we were encouraged by the many Republican and Democratic members of the House and Senate who pledged to reject these proposed cuts. We look forward to working with these Congressional leaders to defend the Right to Bear Arts for all Americans.”

About The Creative Coalition (www.TheCreativeCoalition.org) The Creative Coalition is the premier nonprofit, 501(c)(3) nonpartisan charity of the arts and entertainment community. Founded in 1989 by prominent members of the creative community, The Creative Coalition is dedicated to educating its members on issues of public importance. The Creative Coalition uses the power and platform of the arts and entertainment communities in award-winning public service campaigns. Actor Tim Daly serves as the organization’s president.

About The Right To Bear Arts™ Begun by The Creative Coalition, #TheRightToBearArts™ campaign raises public awareness about and encourages civic education in favor of maintaining federal funding for the creative arts, including through the National Endowment for the Arts. Too often, stripping arts funding from the federal budget is proposed as a quick and easy way to reduce government spending, but this is bad public policy. Funding for the arts represents a miniscule yet worthwhile percentage of the Federal budget. Americans of all political views are united by their love for the arts, whether in their cinemas, on their televisions, or through the music they enjoy. No government that weakens the arts can strengthen America.

Alex Arad
The Creative Coalition

